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Bus Security Assessment of Operator Safety

Description of Services

TSSS is conducting a comprehensive Security Assessment of HART security programs for bus operations. Scope of work:

  1. An assessment of current and future/proposed HART security programs for bus operations

  2. A review of existing security rules and regulations for HART passengers

  3. A review of existing security training and programs for HART bus operators and supervisors

  4. An operational review of HART Command & Control Center and existing training programs on incident response and/or activation of bus operator “panic” alarms

  5. Identify HART positions responsible for operator and command center training and compliance with protocols

  6. Identify HART road supervisor positions responsible for bus operator compliance to procedures

TSSS will facilitate the formation of a Security Assessment Committee.

There are options available to exercise for Media & Public Relations and to conduct an HSEEP-compliant Tabletop Exercise. We expect HART to extend at least one of those options.

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART)
Start: June 2019
Completion: Sept. 2019
Dollar Value
Fees: $200K
Project References
Mr. Colin Mulloy
Director of Safety
1201 East 7th Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
P: 813.384.6322
Personnel Involved
Robert Carter, Project Manager
I Elayne Berry, Sr. Consultant

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